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Learn more about Beast Mode PT with some of these Frequently Asked Questions.

How do I book my first session?

All you need to do to get started is let us know you are ready by filling out our contact form and we will give you a call to organise a suitable time and day for your first session.

Why should I train with Beast Mode PT instead of the trainer at my local gym?

When searching for a coach who will help you develop and avoid common mistakes that can set your progress back, there is more to consider than simply convenience.  While there are some excellent coaches at most local gyms, they may not be the coach who will take time and make the effort to understand you and what you need from a coach.

If you had a fancy and expensive car, you would definitely research and seek out the best mechanic in the area, right?  We believe you should do the same with a coach!

You want the most experienced, understanding, qualified and adaptable coach you can find, and at Beast Mode PT you will find exactly that.  A great coach can make a huge difference compared to a pretty good one, and if you try Beast Mode PT you can achieve genuinely amazing results like the rest of our clients over the past eight years.

Is a Trainer/Coach really worth the money?

Putting down your hard-earned money on a coach can be scary at first, we understand!

But consider the cost of trying to figure it all out yourself and causing yourself an injury, or continuing on with your training you have been doing for years and not making any progress.  The investment you make in a great coach can save you YEARS of effort and time by helping you understand the process, not just by helping you train, and can also take you YEARS ahead of where you may otherwise be.  We help you learn the how, why, when, where, and everything else you need to ensure that even after your time with us, you will be effective in your fitness and health pursuits for the rest of your life.

If you could pay a magic genie to instantly grant you all the fitness and health results you want, how much would you be prepared to invest in that magic genie?

We don't consider ourselves magic, but we do believe that working with Beast Mode PT will be one of the best investments you have ever made.

How long do I sign on for?

We operate on a rolling basis, which means we schedule regular or semi-regular sessions and continue working with you as long as you want or need.  Some people come to us for a quick 'tune up', some continue developing with us for years, and everything in between.  The choice is yours!

I want to start training but I have never been to a gym before.  Will Beast Mode PT be right for me?

It is great that you are keen to get started!  Walking in the doors of anywhere new for the first time can be the most intimidating step, but we are proud to say our training environment is made to be welcoming and friendly.  Many of our members and the Func community hadn't set foot in a gym prior to walking through those doors, so every single person you encounter will be understanding and ready to help you feel welcome.  We all have to start somewhere and everyone at our facility understands and respects that.  There is even a chance you will be greeted by one of the friendly dogs that tag along with their human friends!

I am rehabbing an injury or returning to sport after a long break.  How do I know Beast Mode PT is going to be the right choice?

We have been helping people return to sport, hobbies and work since we started coaching in 2014.  There are two things you can be especially confident in when coming to Beast Mod PT to return from your injury:

1. We take the time to understand you and your history to work with you in developing our rehab plan, continually adapting as necessary.  No rehab plan is the same and we never simply follow a set of textbook instructions step-by-step.  We work with you and your circumstances.

2. If your injury or condition is something we aren't 100% confident or sure of then we have several excellent health practitioners (physios, doctors, etc)we work with regularly that we are very happy to refer you to so that we can have another opinion to help guide us.  While we would love to know absolutely everything, we know sometimes this isn't possible and we never let pride or ego get in the way of the health and welfare of our clients!

How fit or strong do I have to be before starting at Beast Mode PT?

However fit or strong you are right now!  Everyone has to start somewhere and everyone at Beast Mode PT and our training environment, Func, are completely understanding of that.  We all start somewhere, so it doesn't matter if you can do zero push ups or twenty, we will work with you at your current state of fitness and strength.  There are no prerequisites to train at Beast Mode PT!

My child wants to start getting stronger and improving at their sport.  Do you cater for children and teenagers?

We sure do!  Training young people is something that is often quite misunderstood and it is vital that we get it right to help them develop their strength and motor skills effectively.  At Beast Mode PT we have a great understanding of training children and teenagers safely and effectively, whether they are youngsters who still want to have fun and their parents would like to steer them in the right direction, all the way through to elite teenage athletes aiming for selection in reps squads or on the cusp of a professional sporting career.

Can you help me put on muscle mass?  I want to gain muscle but nothing seems to work!

Absolutely!  Sometimes your training goal can be as simple as wanting to gain lean muscle mass effectively, and we can help with that.  We can help you develop the right techniques, programming, schedules, intensities and recovery methods to push your muscle gain in the right direction.  It is hard work but very rewarding!

What about pricing?

Training with Beast Mode PT is a premium coaching experience in an excellent facility.

A rate of $120 is charged per session, and all sessions are booked per hour.

There are no additional gym or membership fees to consider. Two-on-one and group training are priced based on requirements.

Do you provide training programs?

We work with lots of people to provide custom training plans and programs for all kinds of goals.  Jarrod has developed and delivered programs for hundreds of people to help them achieve great things even if they can't train with Beast Mode PT in person.

With an easy-to-use app, your programming is delivered straight to your phone and even includes how-to videos on most movements!

You can even blend your private coaching with custom programs and get the best of both worlds.  Most of our members take this approach, taking advantage of both private coaching and custom programs to keep up their results when they are training at the gym or at home.

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